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Testimonials & Reviews


Bluewater Orthopedics

Orthopedic Surgery located in Niceville, FL, Destin, FL & Crestview, FL

4.92/5 Star Rating
1290 total reviews

Bluewater Orthopedics always appreciates feedback from our valued patients. To date, we’re thrilled to have collected 1290 reviews with an average rating of 4.92 out of 5 stars. Please read what others are saying about Bluewater Orthopedics below, and as always, we would love to collect your feedback.

Patricia A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/06/23
I have never met such a compassionate dr as doctor Goakie. I had been in fort Walton medical center nov26. Again February 17 almost 2 weeks. I was walking when I went n by ambulance they said they were going to sedate me just a little. Boy did they ever sedate me I remember hitting the floor as if I’d been dumped or dropped. Sedated me some more I don’t ever remember going to X-rays or it being done. They just put me n a room by myself. Isalated I was put n what I call a mental ward. There was no mental health at all. They kept me almost 2 weeks each time. I thought I was dieing. My kids couldn’t see or talk to me any. They got ready to send me home. I had to be carried out both times in a wheelchair my son said mama I’ll nail the door close before they try taking you out again. The people n the ambulance just laughing at me. Never once did they tell me my hip was broken. Sometimes they remembered to bring me food. Holy Spirit spoke to my heart told me to keep my mouth shut. And I know why they would have killed me if I’d went there again. ButGODgot me up walking with a walker for 6 weeks before I could get someone to take me to Doctor Goakie. A man. I trusted. He had done my left knee replacement 10 years before. I know I was n so much pain. And Doctor Goakie told my children that I’d been n enough pain to be out of my mind. Then that made sense to them. I had done been e. R. Two times. So yes. I was scared to go anywhere. But I knew I had to go to dr. Goakie or I was going to die. That sweet blonde nurse was so sweet to me. My son had took care of me the 6 month. The food I ate to all the care taking and I wasn’t going anywhere without him. He truly saved my life. The girls couldn’t handle it. They were concerned about a funeral. I kept telling them mama is going to b okay. Before I went n that dr office I had to be able to walk. Maintain a good mind set. My kids never got any updates from the hospital and wouldn’t let me talk to them. Never use fort Walton medical center for anything. Dr Goakie looked at the hospital records before he came n the room. I was sitting on my walker he pulled a chair up in front of me. Then it was like he bowed his head to pray probably because he had never seen such medical malpractice in his life he said to me clearly you have a broken hip that I know if they had called him he would have done surgery and helped me with the pain, his name was on the file. But instead of helping me they threw me in a room. Never any comunication to tell me they had dropped me. I come to my self and picked my head up hands on the floor. I knew I was in trouble. I can’t believe remember how I got up. Or ever going to X-rays. Sedated again. When I finally got to Doctor Goakie the sweetest little blonde nurse. assured me they were not going to hurt me. But I watched Dr. Goakie fighting tears. He is a very compassionate man along with his STAFF THEY WERE SO AWESOME AND ID DONE BEEN THROUGH E. R. 2 times. He was the only Doctor I would trust to help me. And his sweet nurse. Every time She would say miss Adams is my patient and she was always my nurse. I love this doctor he is the only one I trusted. I had a totally crushed hip 5 centimeters of my femur bone gone to. Dr Goakie said it was so bad that he had to call n a hip specialist and he got me an appointment like Wednesday,seems like I saw him on Wednesday. But What happened when I went was Dr steal looked at me. , after me going to the appointment Dr Goakie set up for me. Dr steal said to me. Well it’s been 6 months. What’s another name week. Didn’t give me anything for pain. And Steals bedside manner disgust me. It was like I was a dog bone he didn’t care that was being throwed around. I tried to tell him what had happened to me. He said to me he didn’t need to hear anything about it. He didn’t care. And he’d seen all the same records that that that kind Dr Goakie had seen and it didn’t matter I really couldn’t believe the way he treated me. Like I was a no body. He honestly doesn’t have any reason for being a dr. Not if he can’t care for his patients. I may be wrong but I think drs. Take an oath or should to care about the hurting. There needs. And I only saw steal once in the hospital Honestly I felt safer that way. That was the longest 1 night stayi ever had. I was already terrified to go to a hospital. This is straight for Dr Goakie. He got 80 0/0 of my femur bone by building it up with cement. I never I don’t think told you about him throwing me off for surgery another week. And I quote he said it’s been 6 months what’s another week. I roughed it out. The only appointments I kept with steal was the follow up. I listened to him and the nurses at steals office like I was a crazy person. But when he got through telling me I’m going to have the swelling nothing to do. DrGoakie I left his office after I told him he did a great job. Then I looked him dead n the eyes and told hi Dr steal I pray for the day you get saved. He stood with a glare looking at me eyes locked then he quietly walked out the room. I wasn’t being ugly I was kind. But for a dr to be a specialist and do like he did me. Never did I doubt I knew he wasn’t saved. But if he’d let the Lord help him he could be a Dr like Dr Goakie. Caring about the patient. Not telling them I don’t care what happened at that hospital or how this happened to me. Boldly tell me he doesn’t care. I’ve been in so much pain for 6 months but you don’t care about what happened at that hospital. I recommend you Dr Goakie to everyone that even mentioned they need an orthopedic. You. Saved my life and I wasn’t scared to go to your office and your sweet nurse was awesome too. She made sure I was comfortable let me know no body was going to touch or hurt me. I was n a very safe place. And when dr Goakie told me the hospital had the X-rays that showed Fortwalton medical center was just like dr steal. They just don’t care. Dr Goakie I had both legs swelling so bad. But one day I got so tired of it. I was still having to lay down. But this time. I put my legs up on the bed and I pointed my finger at my feet told satanthat those legs and feet belongs to God. And n Jesus name I demanded him to get off my feet. That,this territory belongs to Jesus Christ. There’s no place for you hear. Get out. Dr Goakie I layed back resteda short nap. When I woke up the swelling was gone. God cared. Fortwalton medical center didn’t care. Dr steal didn’t care. But I know a Dr orthopedic that cared so much he tried to hide it. He was fighting back tears and told me he could have fixed it the first time. But it was so bad that he had to call in a specialist that he said he’d call a couple of his friends but he got me an appointment with a specialist. I walked n the office so I know that Dr Goakie knew he had seen a miracle. It’s in humanly possible to walk with that much damage the femur bone 5 centimeters done gone. So if you any body need to take a loved one to the hospital and love them enough to NEVER TAKE THEM TO FORTWALTON MEDICAL CENTER. ALL THAT WAS WRONG WITH ME WHEN I WENT N WAS I WAS HEARING VOICES. I WENT TO MY DAUGHTER ABOUT IT FOR PRAYER. Her husband was an Assembly of God preacher for prayer. She call the ambulance to me. Nov26/21 February 17 my baby daughter came called the ambulance to me they drug me out in like a chair. No gurney. Then that one that just smiled at me so evil. Me screaming with my hip layed right on my broken hip. I screamed so loud tell them I don’t want to go to the hospital. I knew what they’d already done. I was scared to drink. I knew I’d have to lay there watching for an assistant to pass my room I’d say excuse me could you please help me. Go to the bathroom and I begged everyone for water. One sweet NA started getting me water she was a darling. Couple of other things I’d like to say. Explain to me when nobody cared or wanted help me I went n the hospital in the same suit of clothes I wore for almost 2 weeks. My hair was below my shoulders. Never did I get a brush or wipe down. My hair was n such knots matted up that I had to get my daughter to cut it all over my head about 2inches. As much as I loved my hair. Dr Goakie after being dismissed on rispadal. Which is for autism. I’m bipolar take my medicine ptst bad. To the point where drama happens I just learned that ptsd could cause black outs. I take the geodon for the bipolar the worst thing I’ve ever exsperiienced was The Fortwalton medical center. The isolation. Ii was severely abused as a child on up through life. Been beat by husband beat by my daddy unmerciful yet God gave me the grace to learn. About forgiveness. But I’ve told my Heavenly Father I’ve told Jesus Christ and sweet Holy Spirit. I don’t think I have ever been so hurt. And hurting physically in my entire life. I still hear the voices regularly but I’m learning how to block the voices. But Jesus is my great physician. And when he’s had enough it will b like the swelling. Commanded to leave. Dr Goakie when you said to me clearly My hip was broken and he’d seen the hospital records. And they just tried to make me look like I was crazy. But DrGoakie. Did not fall for the crazy n the records and knew by talking to me I was not autistic. But Dr Goakie I really thought I had cancer or something with my leg. Also before that visit in April. I hadn’t seen Dr Goakie in 10 years. Got a knee replacement staples removed didn’t need to go back. But when I’m in Crestview I’m going to stop and give YALL A SHOUT OUT. I PRAISE GOD FOR DR GOAKIE
Evelyn A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/06/23
Steven L.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/03/23
Great professionals
Wilbur J.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/03/23
Very. Good
Brenda N.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/03/23
It was great! Great care.
Patricia S.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/01/23
Richard B.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 07/01/23
Very professional and friendly
Kimberly C.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/30/23
Quick in out out of appointment within 30 minutes
Ramiro G.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/30/23
Dr Buchanan xrayed my knee then gave me some options. I took the steroid shot & with in hour the pain was gone. He was a wonderful tableside manner to.
Martha F.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/30/23
Complete and comprehensive care. Excellent!
Penny L.
4/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/29/23
Everyone was professional.
Terri M.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/29/23
Was able to schedule an appointment with ease and seen the next day!! Awesome!!
Morry B.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/29/23
Everyone is helpful and explanatory; they are incredibly patient. Dr. Markowski is excellent. I recommend him regularly. I would trust him to operate on me again without hesitation. Extremely competent, capable, and professional.
Michael H.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/29/23
Outstanding team!
Beth O.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/28/23
The two ladies at the front desk were delightful!!! Very warm and friendly!! And Dr. Markowski is THE BEST.... Hands Down!!
Earl H.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/28/23
The surgery, pre and post, was handled professionally and I couldn't be happier with the results.
Dorothy M.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/27/23
Very good
Linda B.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/27/23
Kind , and patient
Marla A.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/26/23
Barbara G.
5/5 Star Rating
Submitted 06/26/23
I was very pleased with my care at Bluewater Orthopedics.